Monday, April 07, 2008

Operatiomn Tule- Vignette for Charity

Circumcision is a pet project that the lion tamer and her pet meticulously conduct each year for the past four years now without much fanfare. Getting professional help from a country physician who charge them half the cosat he would ordinarily bill his customer, adding that the other half is also his modest contribution to our simple outreach program for the kids, the endeavor would be timed immediately after the end of the school year and would involve from ten to fifteen young boys with ages ranging from six to twelve, who, accompanied by their doting mothers would nervously subject their natural armors to the knif
Thus it was that on the first Monday of April, ten young lads trooped to the clinic of Dr. Rolando Salada just across the den of the aging cat for the ritual that would announce to the whole world their symbolic entry to manhood. Why the number decreased when compared to the previous year was due mainly to the gradual depletion of the of the “non-baptized” (di-binyagan) young lads that the periodic charitable work has resulted.

And as in the previous year, the kids owe their grateful appreciation to VW John Teng of Laong Laan Lodge No. 185 for footing the cost of the circumcision, and to him, the aging cat is likewise indebted for this charitable endeavor.

May his tribe increase!